суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

fmi comp usa

this whole journal i have is basically for myself, by the way. I donapos;t expect anyone to read it.

i realized today that iapos;m in love with two people, and falling for another. Itapos;s really crazy... I know that one of them is in love with me, too. But, she has a girlfriend.�her girlfriend thinks that me and her are best friends, haha. We just completly understand eachother no matter what. Itapos;s like shes my soulmate, but we can never be because of her girlfriend. Sheapos;s probably the only person that would know who "anonymous_cr33p" or "x"�is. To tell you the truth, i think that her and her girlfriend are going to get married. The other one is the girl i mentioned earlier in a previous journal, sheapos;s beautiful. I also think that iapos;m falling for someone else. Itapos;s a boy this time, though. Itapos;s my boyfriendapos;s bestfriend, damnit. I always get myself in situations like this. I fall for all the wrong people. But anyways, heapos;s really a sweetheart. He has extremely low self-esteem, but heapos;s hilarious. Me and him are a lot alike, too.

thereapos;s this place by my house that i go to a lot. Itapos;s a school, but not the one i go to. Itapos;s kindof big, but not really. I went there when i was younger. I walked around to the back of the school and climbed up on the roof. I walked on the roof all the way to the front of the school and just stood there, in the rain, smoking a cigarette, wondering if i would ever get the balls to jump. Also wondering what kind of damage a fall from that height would do, but not so much caring. I sat down and thought to myself "youapos;re a pussy." i felt like i was on top of the world, even though i was off the ground roughly 40 ft.

my boyfriend said he loved me today as i was leaving. -__- i never know what to say when people do that. I kinda just smiled and walked away. I just thought to myself as i put one foot in front of the other, "why?" ...�heapos;s not the best, most say i could to do better. He has a child with someone he told me had moved to new york a year ago, and i found out today that she just goes to a different school than him in the same area... That was really fucking cool. I really dont care too much that he has a daughter, itapos;s just the fact that he is lying about it constantly. Honestly, iapos;m not that much of a "caring" person, i could give a damn about most things that would drive others into a divorce. Like cheating, doing drugs, drinking, smoking, choosing friends over me, having a child with someone he barley knows, ect... Just expect some of the same for me, although iapos;m not big on cheating, myself. I just canapos;t stand being lied to.

fmi comp usa, fmi computer, fmi computer accessories, fmi computer case.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dump roll tarp trailer

yes im back again
i cant really remember what i did for the past few days.
i watched eagle eye with dee and connected w sock.
dee is classic singapore don don.

and then schoolapos;s still as bored.
mid term test next week.
assignments piling up again.
i feel quite proud of myself for attending school quite often.

class chalet yesterday�
fun fun especially the stayover.
and many many pictures, jumpshots.

i wanna see shooting star ):
school again later argh

oh yes, went to nurulapos;s house for hari raya
watched tom jerry, boiling point etc etc

hmm what else
aiya mind block.

bye pen
bring me coconut trees, squirrels and utt
bon voyage

dump roll tarp trailer, dump rollback truck, dump roller tarp truck, dump rolloff system.

authority sports vintage

So, um, long-time lurker here and Iapos;m finally getting the guts to post. Just recently on the PW�Kink Meme I found a fanfiction I really enjoyed. It was an AU fic where Apollo was a kabuki actor/prostitute and Klavier was a foreigner who fell in love with him. The authors put it into a Word file that was allegedly 250+ pages long, but I�was only able to find a smaller manuscript.

Could anyone help me in my search? Itapos;s a really lovely fanfiction and Iapos;d really love to read more. :(
authority sports vintage, authority spotrs, authority steamship, authority steamship woodshole.